VTS Wants Land

Categories:   Real Estate Agents

PO Box 288 Beerwah Qld 4519

0411 144 881

Email: gerry@pocketbooks.com.au

About Us

I want to build budget houses on budget land in country hamlets, villages, towns, cities and localities, flat site on the plains or steep site in the mountains.

200 sq m, 600 sq m, 1,000 sq m, quarter acre, half acre, one acre, two acre, five acre. Services or no services. Power or no power. Made road, gravel road, dirt road, track. Water or no water. Sewerage or no sewerage. Septic or no septic. Any zoning.

Gerry Clarke, ph 0411 144 881
E:  gerry@pocketbooks.com.au
PO Box 288, Beerwah, Qld, 4519

You might never go to the land great aunt Nellie left you out west of Charleville or down at Texas or over on Russell Island or down at Cann River. But, I shall go to those remote parts; even if the areas are affected by fire or flood.

Queensland, South Australia, New South Wales, Tasmania, Victoria
Especially most areas of SEQ, northern NSW and far Eastern Victoria.

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