L Bulmer Co Pty Ltd
Categories: Excavating & Earth Moving Services
12 Henderson Rd Goondiwindi
Office (07) 4671 1758
Website: www.lbulmerandco.com
Email: admin@lbulmerandco.com.au

About L Bulmer Co Pty Ltd
Lenny Bulmer established L. Bulmer and Co. over 60 years ago, starting out with a single-axle truck and contracting small haulage and road construction jobs. Since then, L. Bulmer and Co. has become one of South West Queensland’s most respected contractors.
Colin and Leanne Bulmer now run the company, after they took over from Lenny Bulmer. Since then it has grown from that one truck to a large modern fleet of trucks, graders, loaders, scrapers, excavators and rollers.
Col, Leanne and their team have many years experience in all types of road and earth works and have completed projects for rural, council and private sectors around the region.
These projects include:
- Various road works and flood repair for the Goondiwindi Regional Council
- Cotton Gin extensions and pads for RMI Cotton
- Flood repair work with RoadTek
- Upgrading the BP Truckstop in Goondiwindi
- Upgrading the Goondiwindi Regional Council treatment plant with Cockrams
- Flood repair work involving stabilising in QLD & NSW with Proterra (RPMS)
- Construct local levy banks and many house/shed pads
- Private/farm road construction and firebreaks
Contact, Website and Social Media
12 Henderson Rd,
Goondiwindi QLD 4390
Email: admin@lbulmerandco.com.au
Phone: (07) 4671 1758
Website: www.lbulmerandco.com
Facebook: L. Bulmer & Co Earthmoving
LinkedIn: L. Bulmer and Co
We can handle your road building needs, from a simple guided track right up to a finished bitumen surface with a choice of several types of road bases. We supply all types of main road spec river gravel road-base and these can be delivered by body truck or semi side tipper road train.
We also have many available materials:
- Coarse Sand
- Fine Sand
- Black Soil
- Blue Metal Road Base
- Crushed Irrigation Rocks
- Crushed Stone
- Crushed White Rock
- Crusher Dust
- Garden Soil
- Irrigation Rock
- Various Types of Loam
- Decomposed Granite
- River Gravel Road Base
- River Stone
- River Gravel Unscreened
- Stabilized Gravel
- White Rock
Most of these products are available in our depot or can be sourced to suit your requirements (either from our quarries or locally to reduce costs). We also have machinery and equipment for hire.
We also pride that we are active sponsors for multiple local sports teams, local and greater region events year-round as well as donating to support where we can such as school, care centre's, hospitals and other small businesses.
- Five Graders
- Two 35 tonne Excavators – bucket, rippers, screener and crusher attachments
- Seven Rollers – smooth drum, pad foot, grid and multi tyre
- Five Loaders – ranging from 1.5m3 to 4.2m3 buckets
- Sixteen Trucks – four body, two body & dog, four single side tippers, three road train side tippers and three water (14 000 L capacity)
- Two Screeners
- Two Crushers