Flax Crops & Hemp Crops

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Anthony Clarke 0425 717 250

Email: anthonyclarke2@me.com

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Grow a Hemp Crop!

Useful commercial hemp products are produced when the hemp plants are placed about 100mm apart, and when the female plants are pollinated naturally by the male plants.

(Illegal drug plants use wider spacings and stressed female plants with pollen kept out!)

The only harvester - decorticator in the World which separates the crop, green in the field, into useful seed, fibre and hurd is Australia's very own TCI D8.

These machines were developed by Adrian Clarke, BA(Hons) (Melb), BSc (Armidale), a brother of Gerry Clarke, the owner of Pocket Books.

The machines are marketed by Anthony Clarke, another brother, Ph 0425 717 250
E: anthonyclarke2@me.com
2 Edward St Rainbow VIC 3424

Useful seed, fibre and hurd has

1) seed used for human food in similar ways to wheat, used in stock-feed, medicine tablets & oils,

2) fibre used for clothing in a similar way to denim jeans, in strong workwear, and in fine European suits, and in very strong fibre-glass-type materials some-times even in car bodies,

3) hurd used in incredibly fire-proof home heat & cold insulation and sound insulation, as well as making the base for hemp-crete, used in many places instead of concrete.

The fibre can usually be processed to cloth by cotton machines. 

There are insulation firms using the hurd, and hemp-crete can be made on-farm.

Hemp needs almost no chemicals, uses less than a quarter of the water cotton needs, and is suitable for most areas & soils.

Anthony Clarke moved the motion at a Liberal Party Victorian State Conference in 1994 to allow the production of this 'industrial hemp'. Premier Jeff Kennett supported the motion.

In 2014, Gerry Clarke, owner of Pocket Books, moved the motion to allow medicinal use at the Liberal National Party's Glasshouse Electorate Committee, which later became LNP state & national policy taken up by Prime Minister Tony Abbott.

Gerry was the Liberal candidate for Maranoa in 1993, Scullin 1975 & 1977.

The range of TCI Decorticators are Australian made. One farmer could buy one machine and then contract harvest neighbouring fields.

(There are some opposition European machines for five times the price which waste a lot of product through their need for field retting, really rotting, as they generally cannot do green decortication.) E.& O.E. We export world wide.

Ph 0425 717 250  E: anthonyclarke2@me.com  2 Edward St Rainbow VIC 3424

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